The Glenn Beck Experience

April 10, 2010 at 5:41 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

Laugh-master Glenn Beck keeps on rolling and keeps his audience rolling in the aisles! Now, in the wake of Supreme Court Justice Stevens’ retirement, he imagines President Obama’s upcoming selection of a replacement. Beck’s fevered brain visualizes a “gay-handicapped-black woman who’s an immigrant” as being B.O.’s dream appointment, because it would be the “radical” thing to do.

And in the zany universe Beck has created, President Obama is a radical. He is a Marxist. Yes, Barack Obama. The man whose policies have, so far, been virtually indistinguishable from his predecessor, George W. “Silver-Spoon Cowboy” Bush. Beck’s avid following eats this stuff up, much like fans of other fantasy tv programs like Lost.

The Glenn Beck experience is high-comedy of unparalleled genius. One after another, he spins hilariously surreal takes on current events. Does he write this stuff himself or use a staff of joke writers? Either way, he certainly deserves the $32 million he raked-in last year.

My only concern is: how can he possibly keep topping himself? Eventually he will reach a point where he runs-out of new humor material and then what? Perhaps having himself hauled-off to the nuthouse in a straitjacket at the end of the broadcast?

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Ha, Ha, Suckers!

April 10, 2010 at 12:51 am (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , , , )

Not all that long ago, Myrtle and I were having a pleasant dinner conversation with a couple who had lost their business in the economic crash. They seemed rational-enough until, about 20 minutes into the visit, they revealed their admiration for Glenn Beck. “He just makes good sense,” said the husband as he echoed Beck’s opinion that America has been bankrupted by the poor. We responded at first with gape-jawed bewilderment, then tore into the stupidity of that theory.

Well, my long-held suspicions about Glenn Beck are, at-last, confirmed by an interview in the latest Forbesmagazine, wherein Mr. Beck verifies that he is only in it for the money and does not give “a flying crap” about politics or the effect his insane antics have on his tiny-brained listeners. His audience believes what he says and gets all worked-up when he cries on his broadcast, while he secretly laughs all the way to the bank.

I am not the least surprised to learn that Beck views his job as purely business. And what a business; he raked-in $32 million dollars last year! He is a maestro who plays his followers like a cheap fiddle. And I have absolutely no doubt that Rush Limbaugh is Beck’s soul-mate in perfidy. Some day, when America has come to its senses con-men like Beck, Limbaugh, and Newt Gingrich and their Froot Loop-followers will be in the history books as cautionary tales.

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